Cookie Policy

We protect your online experience:
guidelines on the use of cookies.

What are Cookies
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They perform various functions, including storing your preferences and analyzing user interaction with the site.
Our 'Cookie Policy' lists the types of cookies used on and how they are managed.

1. Technical Cookies:
Necessary for the essential functions of the site, including security management and accessibility. These cookies cannot be disabled.

2. Functionality Cookies:
Allow the site to remember your preferences to provide useful features, such as video playback and searching for workshops, distributors, or spare parts dealers on the locator map.

3. Analytics Cookies:
Contribute to improving the structure, navigation logic, and content through the analysis of website traffic.

List of Cookies:

· pk_id: Used by analytics tools to distinguish users.
· pk_ref: Records the source that brought the user to our site.
· pk_ses: Identifies a single browsing session.

Cookie Duration:
The duration of the cookies used can be influenced by two main factors:

  1. Type of Cookie:
    Some cookies are temporary and will be automatically deleted when you close the browser (session cookies). Others may persist for a longer period, allowing the site to remember your preferences even after closing the browser (persistent cookies).
  2. Default Expiry:
    In addition to your browser settings, some cookies may have a default expiry, independent of user preferences. This expiry is determined by the specific characteristics of each cookie and the website's policies.

Managing Cookies:
You can manage cookies through our dedicated banner ('Cookie Settings' at the bottom of the page), except for essential technical ones. Changing these settings may affect some website features.

For further details on our cookie and privacy policy, please refer to our Privacy Policy. By continuing to use the site, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

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